November 10, 2009
November 4, 2009
November mood
snow, rain, snow, sun, clouds, light, dark, sweaters, leaves, winter hats, heat blasting, toasty blankets, foggy breath, chilly rides, early sunsets...
Every year I find myself loving this transition from autumn into winter, my mind mixed in flurries of past and present smells and sounds, feeling the briskness of air with each breath.

November 2, 2009
Back from hibernation...
We had a most smurfy Halloween! And can I just say, I love Nate to pieces and am so happy to have met someone willing to go on adventures with me and enjoy the littlest moments in life.
I've become more aware of the people that I'm lucky to know... friends, family, colleagues. Despite being ill for a lengthy amount of time (bronchitis, asthma stuff, early pneumonia), I am really trying to appreciate the litlte lucky things about each day.
We had a most smurfy Halloween! And can I just say, I love Nate to pieces and am so happy to have met someone willing to go on adventures with me and enjoy the littlest moments in life.
September 10, 2009
August 30, 2009
catching up
So I most certainly neglected this blog during the last bits of our biking journey... And, I don't feel much like recapping at the moment, so it will have to wait. Also, I lost my camera battery charger at some point, so there are many photos awaiting upload. Perhaps once I get a new battery, I will also be "recharged" and ready to share the splendid stories of the journey's end!
But for now, let's consider this a quick catch-up. Catching you up to the crazy newness in my life!
A little over a week ago, Nate got word about a job in Cadillac as piano accompanist for the high school choir classes (they have 5!). So, he did a couple of phone interviews with the director (who had seen him play keyboards before during gigs with UV Hippo etc.). We didn't really expect him to get the job, since he wasn't in Michigan to actually play the piano for her... But he got it! So instead of just me, we both flew back Thursday, and here we are.
Of course there is much to be done... Finding a place where we can have Nate's dog Django, then moving there, getting my classroom ready, going through the TONS of boxes that have sat in my spare room all summer, and oodles more. Tonight has been the first burst of productivity. We are filling up boxes to take to Goodwill (and KAIR, kalkaska's local thrift store). Nate's going to continue with that project tomorrow while I spend HOURS at school getting ready for the school year. I am already anticipating the numerous worried looks I'll get with people saying, "Are you really going to be ready?" Rather aggravating, because of course I'll be ready. And I actually work better under a tight time constraint.
This fall definitely promises to be a busy one. I am excited, though, because for the first time in a long time I actually feel good about the changes coming.
But for now, let's consider this a quick catch-up. Catching you up to the crazy newness in my life!
A little over a week ago, Nate got word about a job in Cadillac as piano accompanist for the high school choir classes (they have 5!). So, he did a couple of phone interviews with the director (who had seen him play keyboards before during gigs with UV Hippo etc.). We didn't really expect him to get the job, since he wasn't in Michigan to actually play the piano for her... But he got it! So instead of just me, we both flew back Thursday, and here we are.
Of course there is much to be done... Finding a place where we can have Nate's dog Django, then moving there, getting my classroom ready, going through the TONS of boxes that have sat in my spare room all summer, and oodles more. Tonight has been the first burst of productivity. We are filling up boxes to take to Goodwill (and KAIR, kalkaska's local thrift store). Nate's going to continue with that project tomorrow while I spend HOURS at school getting ready for the school year. I am already anticipating the numerous worried looks I'll get with people saying, "Are you really going to be ready?" Rather aggravating, because of course I'll be ready. And I actually work better under a tight time constraint.
This fall definitely promises to be a busy one. I am excited, though, because for the first time in a long time I actually feel good about the changes coming.
August 12, 2009
oregon obsession, northern cali coast/mountains
So, it's obviously been a long time since the last post... Well, perhaps not so long in the regular sense of time, but in biking sense, a lot has happened. I will spare you the rambling (save it for my upcoming memoir) and fill you in quickly on what you've missed.
*traveling homeless folks... best campfire company yet!
*hiker/biker camps (cheap state park stays in oregon and california)
*oregon is amazing-- bike-friendly, kind people, varied landscape, good worker vibe (didn't seem to be many snooty folks)
*coastal chill... We were shivering on downhills, even with arm and leg warmers on!
*birds of prey sightings
*touring bicyclists from mexico, new zealand, canada, germany
*rowdy campfire with the kids from wyoming
*endless fog our first days in oregon
*tales of the "bike house"... still hoping for a sighting!
*tips on cheap alaska travel
*overcoming my fear of being launched into the Pacific and actually enjoying some of the cliff views of the ocean
*slippery sleeping bags... I have a bad habit of waking in the night and not being able to get comfortable again because I feel "on the move".
*Portland stay with Tim and Erin and kids... great hosts!
*beautiful ride from portland to the coast... 8 mile uphill stretch after our sketchiest campsite yet (amidst thorny bushes on the side of a road) into the mountains then a steady scenic downhill to the coast
*99 cent Indian dinners at the rainbow grocery outlet... as well as cheap cookies and 4 buck Sasquatch wine
So, while our earlier days of travel were filled with colorful characters of the local variety, this past stretch has been filled with characters on the go.
We are currently in the mountains of Hayfork, California visiting Nate's friends Mike and Jamie. It is simply incredible here... peaceful with awesome views from the house porch and the yurt deck. Jamie picked us up in Arcata, luckily, because a bike ride in would have taken us over 3 days most likely, if we didn't get run off the twisty roads! Jamie will take us back out to the coast tomorrow morning, when we will once again head south. Our next stop will be Bodega Bay... my pen-pal-since-first-grade/best-friend Alena will be coming to get us, and we'll spend a night or two with her in Rohnert Park. Then we'll be on our way to San Francisco.
I fly out on the 27th, which will give me *plenty* of time to prepare for school (ha ha ha )... Nate has some work out here for the next couple months but then plans to endure a northern Michigan winter with me in Kalkaska. He is liking the idea of ice fishing with our friend Mike (stacey's hubby). :)
It feels good to have my flight booked; I was starting to panic in my head, even though I haven't been worried at all the whole summer. I think when we hit California (or perhaps August!) my subconscious self couldn't help but start thinking ahead.
I have lots of great photos but my camera battery is currently charging, so I'll add a couple a bit later.
July 31, 2009
hundred degree days, flat tires (not the beer), oregon arrival
So, this bridge is the Lewis and Clark Bridge going from Longview, WA to Rainier, OR. The day we crossed it was a too-sunny day, so the pic is nothing like it looked in real life for us, but I liked the photo nonetheless.
Anyhow, this bridge and its disastrous messy shoulder caused Nate's 4th flat of the trip in about 4 days. On the Oregon side, we sat under an overpass while he changed the tube, and I actually napped for about 10 minutes. Yet, despite the temp being 106 degrees and getting a flat, we managed to pull out 85 miles to arrive in Beaverton that evening (about 15 miles west of portland downtown).
Looking backwards... the rest of our Washington journey was pleasant. I'm discovering that I tend to prefer riding through middle-of-nowhereness which tends to be more inland, as opposed to the coastal overlooks that are often surrounded by mansions. We head to the coast from here, so I'm hoping there will be a lot of park land and such, because I sure do grow tired of biking through the playgrounds of the wealthy.
Oregon is apparently the only west coast state that has declared the whole coast public. No one can "own" their own coastal beaches. So, I'm excited to camp next to the ocean one or two of these upcoming nights and enjoy the public's access.
Our route maps have been really great so far... Adventure Cycling gets you off the main road as much as possible. And even when you have to ride on one of the busier highways, they always have humongous shoulders so you still feel safe. I'm nervous about riding the Pacific overlooks, though... am hoping there is a lot of space and that drivers are used to seeing bikers there.
July 22, 2009
west coast beginnings
We arrived in Bellingham a week ago tomorrow, I do believe. On our Amtrak ride from Williston, within the first 5 or 10 minutes we spotted 3 coyotes, some muledeer (we think), and a herd (pack?) of antelopes hanging near a herd of cattle (would have been an amazing photo). So, we were happy with our decision to take a train to Washington! Not to mention the endless length of Montana... Plus we'd heard a few nightmare stories about small shoulders and crazy drivers. And, luckily, we went through Glacier in the evening (not night) so we did get to see some spectacular mountain views there.
The train arrived in Everett, WA, so we set north for Bellingham to visit Nate's friend Matthew. On our way up, we spent a night with two amazing new friends, Garrett and Mark, near Mt. Vernon (just north of Big Lake). They live on the beginnings of an organic farm they call "Flora and Fauna". I'll put a few photos from our night with them at the end of this post. They sent us on our way the next day with a loaf of bread, dried peppermint leaves, vitamin water, and many good memories.
We took route 9 partway up to Bellingham then got on Chuckanut (sp?) Hwy along the coast to witness some beautiful scenery on a bike-friendly twisty roadway. Bellingham seems to be an awesome town with such gorgeous surrounding areas. Matt works at a food co-op here, so while he's been at work, we have explored some local parks/lakes, done laundry, and eaten yummy food (not much of a thai selection in north dakota!). One of the lakes we went to was a popular weekend spot but even though it was crowded it seemed so peaceful, and it was easy to hike off with no one on the trails with you. Amazing. The land here is simply amazing... Matthew is homeless by choice (during the warm season), so he camps around, and we got to see 3 of his spots. The first one was on a river where you could hike up just a short ways to some steep waterfalls... Unfortunately my camera battery was dead.
We had a fun time tubing two days ago but it was a definite sacrifice-- Nate got horribly burned, and my thighs got fried, even though we absolutely LOADED up with sunscreen. Soooo, we decided a couple nights in a motel were needed for quick recovery, and we've been holed up in the Econolodge.
After a fun week with Matthew and a lot of unhealthy food and drinks, it will be interesting to see how our bodies respond to riding again... I already feel like my belly has increased in size! :) But thank goodness we have places to go and people to see; otherwise Bellingham would be a tempting place to hang out for a long long while.
So, here is one photo from Flora and Fauna... this internet connection is awful so will have to add more later; if you have read this, feel free to add a comment at the bottom-- I love hearing from people!
July 14, 2009
fab day, time wasting, destination washington
fab day-
104 miles two days ago, ending at Lewis and Clark State Park... Knew we had 3 days to make it to Williston but figured we'd knock out most of the journey leaving time to waste (hence my longest library visit yet). So, we started out on 2 heading west, then jogged south on a paved road that met up with hwy 1804... 1804 was quite possibly the hilliest road yet (plus there was a crazy moment on 2 when the landscape seemed to change from ND-like to Montana-like with an insane hill); one of the hills was longer than one mile according to my bike computer. And, while the scenery started out interesting (somewhat disturbing-- the oil industry is taking off here, and there was one sign that said, "poisonous gas may be present"), on 1804 the views changed to mosquitoes zooming around our heads dodging our sweaty swats. BUT, on this day, we not only kicked butt on hills and did over 100 miles, but we also reached the 1000 mark for total miles traveled!
time wasting-
Williston, ND has been a pleasant place to spend a couple of days... We checked our bikes and the trailer at the Amtrak station (see next section for more info), set up our tent in the city park, and so have been roaming freely, looking a bit odd in our only non-biking clothes (think Star Trek character and James Bond villainess). We saw Public Enemies last night and tonight might hit up the late-night showing of the new Harry Potter flick. We are planning on Chinese for dinner. Oh, and for the second time on this journey, our city park campsite was attacked by the sprinkler monsters! We must not be very observant when setting up the tent... luckily the sprinkler heads were *outside* the fly. :)
destination washington-
Tomorrow morning we hop on the Amtrak to head to Everett WA... Then we're thinking we'll head north to Vancouver, then come back down to stay with one of Nate's friends in Bellingham. From there we'll hit up spots along the coast. I will even get to see one of my oldest and dearest friends, Alena, who has been my "pen-pal" since first grade! VERY exciting. Ultimately, we'd like to get down to Santa Barbara and perhaps do some wine-tasting and see the sights along the way. Since we managed over 1000 miles on this first leg of the trip, we're not feeling guilty about Amtrakkin' it. More time to enjoy friends and scenery along the Pacific route!
104 miles two days ago, ending at Lewis and Clark State Park... Knew we had 3 days to make it to Williston but figured we'd knock out most of the journey leaving time to waste (hence my longest library visit yet). So, we started out on 2 heading west, then jogged south on a paved road that met up with hwy 1804... 1804 was quite possibly the hilliest road yet (plus there was a crazy moment on 2 when the landscape seemed to change from ND-like to Montana-like with an insane hill); one of the hills was longer than one mile according to my bike computer. And, while the scenery started out interesting (somewhat disturbing-- the oil industry is taking off here, and there was one sign that said, "poisonous gas may be present"), on 1804 the views changed to mosquitoes zooming around our heads dodging our sweaty swats. BUT, on this day, we not only kicked butt on hills and did over 100 miles, but we also reached the 1000 mark for total miles traveled!
time wasting-
Williston, ND has been a pleasant place to spend a couple of days... We checked our bikes and the trailer at the Amtrak station (see next section for more info), set up our tent in the city park, and so have been roaming freely, looking a bit odd in our only non-biking clothes (think Star Trek character and James Bond villainess). We saw Public Enemies last night and tonight might hit up the late-night showing of the new Harry Potter flick. We are planning on Chinese for dinner. Oh, and for the second time on this journey, our city park campsite was attacked by the sprinkler monsters! We must not be very observant when setting up the tent... luckily the sprinkler heads were *outside* the fly. :)
destination washington-
Tomorrow morning we hop on the Amtrak to head to Everett WA... Then we're thinking we'll head north to Vancouver, then come back down to stay with one of Nate's friends in Bellingham. From there we'll hit up spots along the coast. I will even get to see one of my oldest and dearest friends, Alena, who has been my "pen-pal" since first grade! VERY exciting. Ultimately, we'd like to get down to Santa Barbara and perhaps do some wine-tasting and see the sights along the way. Since we managed over 1000 miles on this first leg of the trip, we're not feeling guilty about Amtrakkin' it. More time to enjoy friends and scenery along the Pacific route!
July 11, 2009
So, just for laughs, I thought it would be fun to list the reasons why occasionally Nate and I have slacker mileage days...
*late nights at the local bars
*tick infestations
*we are extremely slow packers and sunscreen applicators
*sleeping in is quite lovely in a tent
*hellish headwinds
*we like to eat (apparently now this includes eating turkey and gelatinous gummy bears too)
And, with regards to deliberation, we have been loosely calculating time/miles, realizing that it might be wishful thinking to think we could get all the way to San Francisco by the end of August. So, originally, we thought we could take the Amtrak down some of the coast, but are now considering another option... taking the Amtrak TO the coast so that we can enjoy the Pacific Coast Trail as well as take time to have quality visits with friends along the way.
And so, there may be a great leap in locations for the next posting... and it's not because we are super-speedy bikers!
*late nights at the local bars
*tick infestations
*we are extremely slow packers and sunscreen applicators
*sleeping in is quite lovely in a tent
*hellish headwinds
*we like to eat (apparently now this includes eating turkey and gelatinous gummy bears too)
And, with regards to deliberation, we have been loosely calculating time/miles, realizing that it might be wishful thinking to think we could get all the way to San Francisco by the end of August. So, originally, we thought we could take the Amtrak down some of the coast, but are now considering another option... taking the Amtrak TO the coast so that we can enjoy the Pacific Coast Trail as well as take time to have quality visits with friends along the way.
And so, there may be a great leap in locations for the next posting... and it's not because we are super-speedy bikers!
July 2, 2009
on day 7, a day of rest :)
We are visiting my cousin Scott, his wife Bernette, and their son Sam right now in Minneapolis MN... one day to wash clothes and not be on the go! Plus they are awesome company, so it will be hard to say goodbye! Here are a few little highlights/notes about the trip so far.
*longest mileage day- 87 miles
*fave camping spot--Jim and Chrissy's yard... James is the soon-to-be-owner of the best bar in Wittenberg, WI, and they also own a trucking business.
*ended up staying in the yard of the head townsman, Harland, in Colby, WI (he didn't really have a title other than "everything")... they actually let us shower!
*on one of our short mileage days (only 40) we spent the first half waiting for Nate's bike to get fixed up at the Rib Mountain Ciclery... where a very cool guy Brett totally hooked us up! He rode to California two years ago so was geeked that we were there. He only charged for parts (nate had him put a 3 ring dealio in the front instead of the 2) and threw in shot-bloks, a tube, dog spray, spoke repair kit, a light recharger, two pairs of good biking gloves, and some other "goodies". :)
*Nate jammed under the bridge in Stillwater, MN with Tommy while Jeremy and I watched and chatted.
*local bars rock!
*cows and horses are fascinated by riders
*4 of our 6 riding days were pretty much sunless
*It takes only a day to absolutely stink.
June 22, 2009
diva cup

reality check

June 21, 2009
the to-do list
Let's lay it out there, so you all can experience the last-minute planning with me...
xcall landlord about paying rent ahead by cashier's check (didn't reorder personal checks as my last name will be changing)
xput away boxes in the spare room, clean up, move kitty stuff to my room
xcancel cable
xgo to bank-- get cashier's check and money out
xmail sunglasses insert to mom to give to eye dr.
xget memory duo stick for new camera
xbuy sports bra to wear with jersey
*find good compression sack for sleeping bags
xget "quick release" on my brakes to actually be "quick" (and easier, for the many flat tires I'll have to change!)
*clean out fridge
*figure out court stuff for future divorce date
*stock up on kitty litter
*return one pair of bike shorts to nashbar
*maybe that's all??
xcall landlord about paying rent ahead by cashier's check (didn't reorder personal checks as my last name will be changing)
xput away boxes in the spare room, clean up, move kitty stuff to my room
xcancel cable
xgo to bank-- get cashier's check and money out
xmail sunglasses insert to mom to give to eye dr.
xget memory duo stick for new camera
xbuy sports bra to wear with jersey
*find good compression sack for sleeping bags
xget "quick release" on my brakes to actually be "quick" (and easier, for the many flat tires I'll have to change!)
*clean out fridge
*figure out court stuff for future divorce date
*stock up on kitty litter
*return one pair of bike shorts to nashbar
*maybe that's all??
June 20, 2009
June 19, 2009

June 17, 2009
no time, no time... but here is a short list of some folks I saw at Bonnaroo (not necessarily "enjoyed" but "saw").
*ani difranco, ben harper, phish, beastie boys, bruce springsteen, snoop dogg, jeanine garofalo (and some other comedians), bon iver, jimmy buffet, the decemberists, the lovell sisters, merle haggard, erykah badu, brett dennen, andrew bird, zac brown band
and definitely some others.
agenda for today-- drop off sunglasses rx insert measurements at glasses place, let Mom get me a trip journal, buy better (and more compact) digital camera, finish laundry, head back north for a fun night (finally get to see Stacey again-- Ali, perhaps you'll join us on her porch tonight?!) and have an incredibly productive day tomorrow.
*ani difranco, ben harper, phish, beastie boys, bruce springsteen, snoop dogg, jeanine garofalo (and some other comedians), bon iver, jimmy buffet, the decemberists, the lovell sisters, merle haggard, erykah badu, brett dennen, andrew bird, zac brown band
and definitely some others.
agenda for today-- drop off sunglasses rx insert measurements at glasses place, let Mom get me a trip journal, buy better (and more compact) digital camera, finish laundry, head back north for a fun night (finally get to see Stacey again-- Ali, perhaps you'll join us on her porch tonight?!) and have an incredibly productive day tomorrow.
June 10, 2009
boring but not bored
My creative juices are not flowing tonight. Today has been fantastic. Blasting music while driving with windows down and two bikes on the roof, with the sun shining in FINALLY. It actually felt like a summer day, and vacation is suddenly a reality. I stopped off in Grand Rapids to see Nate and pick up the mixed tape he made me... I know, I know, I'm a bit behind on the times with a tape deck in my car. Anyhow, I'm enjoying listening to the tunes because he used songs from his vinyl collection.
I arrived safely, and Mom and I went to Walgreens (got a great clearance deal on Burt's Bees lotion and shampoo) then to a Thai place for an early dinner, then on to Meijers for my Bonnaroo shopping trip... I got tons of fabulously healthy and tasty options. When we got back, we prepared to ride. I convinced my mom to join me for the first part (she did last 15 minutes!), and then I continued on for a rolling ride along lovely countryside. I felt good. My legs are still strong... I always wonder how that happens when I know I'm not the most in-shape. Leg muscles won't be giving me troubles on our journey this summer, thankfully.
And now, I really need to shower, I really need to organize food for the trip, and I really need to get some sleep in preparation for Curt's arrival at 5-ish. He had to work tonight so we won't get down to TN until 2 or 3 tomorrow afternoon. I just hope I sleep well so I can drive while he sleeps!
Happy Bonnaroo, friends! You may not see another post until the 16th... Hopefully with some fun photos from the festival.
I arrived safely, and Mom and I went to Walgreens (got a great clearance deal on Burt's Bees lotion and shampoo) then to a Thai place for an early dinner, then on to Meijers for my Bonnaroo shopping trip... I got tons of fabulously healthy and tasty options. When we got back, we prepared to ride. I convinced my mom to join me for the first part (she did last 15 minutes!), and then I continued on for a rolling ride along lovely countryside. I felt good. My legs are still strong... I always wonder how that happens when I know I'm not the most in-shape. Leg muscles won't be giving me troubles on our journey this summer, thankfully.
And now, I really need to shower, I really need to organize food for the trip, and I really need to get some sleep in preparation for Curt's arrival at 5-ish. He had to work tonight so we won't get down to TN until 2 or 3 tomorrow afternoon. I just hope I sleep well so I can drive while he sleeps!
Happy Bonnaroo, friends! You may not see another post until the 16th... Hopefully with some fun photos from the festival.
June 8, 2009
![]() | Cat Stevens - If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out | ![]() |
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![]() | Found at bee mp3 search engine | ![]() |
I keep wondering what I've been doing all this time... I guess just gettin' to where I am today. Because, wow, I never realized how easy it is to choose happiness and health and things you love. My mind experiences this new pleasant vibe that it's never quite known before, and am I ever thankful.
June 7, 2009
weekend synopsis

Ventured to Lansing and met Nate's amazing cousin Laura. And picked up this rather nice road bike, which I'm thinking I like... Let me know if you've ridden a Bianchi Veloce before and what you thought about it.
Headed to K-zoo and visited with mis padres (Dad injured a fingernail while helping us repair a flat tire), and then met Lindsey (and Juddy Buddy!) at Bell's to hear some Greensky Bluegrass. I slowly transitioned to eating food on this day in order to be able to drink a couple of Bell's brews (normally you "ease-out" of the cleanse in a 3-day process, which I condensed into one day).
Then this morning, we had a lovely visit with Lindsey's sister and her hubby. Once back in GR, Nate and I treated ourselves to some Indian "cuisine" (hee hee, buffet). And now I am home again. Need to hit up the store for some veggies and fruit, then FINALLY do report cards.
![]() | Ben Harper - By My Side | ![]() |
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![]() | Found at bee mp3 search engine | ![]() |
June 5, 2009
June 4, 2009
update 2
![]() | Indigo Girls - Get Out The Map | ![]() |
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![]() | Found at bee mp3 search engine | ![]() |
Change in Route... Due to the high possibility of 100 degree temps and the lure of northern wilderness and pacific shoreline, Nate and I are now planning to depart from Manitowoc, WI (after taking the ferry across) and then head across the northern United States. Once we hit Washington's northwestern corner (almost), we'll go south along the Pacific shoreline as far down in California as we get. The trip is taking shape!

June 3, 2009
update 1

hee hee... So, my main reason for doing this cleanse is *not* to lose weight. I just thought you might enjoy that cheezy ad. Ultimately, I am awful at moderation, and I have been eating unhealthy food nonstop for the last few months, so I am hoping this drastic approach will help me be able to switch to a healthier gear, by forcing me to say "no" and showing me how my body and mind feel when they are not weighed down by all the fatty grossness of my typical diet.
I am on Day 5 of the cleanse, and still doing really well! I have not yet had any pangs of hunger, which I find incredible.
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