January 2, 2014

Welcome, Zoey Indira!

So, yes, indeed we did it naturally, and Zoey was born at home on November 15, 2013 in our bedroom.  :)  I am completely grateful for amazing midwives, as my labor experience was quite the epic adventure (5 days long), and I now acknowledge that birth involves pain-- but the pain is completely worth it, and my body was able to bring Z into the world even after a week of crazy contractions, back labor, and physical/emotional exhaustion.  Our bodies are amazing.  I'm glad I chose the home birth route, because a hospital would have declared 'failure to progress' very early on.

 Birth story will be told eventually, once I have the time/energy to devote to its depth.  For the moment, we are just basking in the beauty of parenting and enjoying every moment with our beautiful Zoey.

(top photo: a day or so old; bottom photo: 1 month old)