Last night was our first night of Bellydancing Bootcamp. Ali, Jenny, Becky, and I received personalized instruction from Marie of Beledi Global Dance Center (since we were the only ones in the class!). There are a couple of other interested teachers, and some others have asked when our recital is! :) I enjoyed pinpointing my individual muscles, trying to isolate them from others. For example, there are times when you use only your upper abs or your lower abs. And a lot of the moves are simply switching from the left side of the body to the right (it's a lot harder than it sounds, right, Ali?). I also enjoyed using muscles that don't often get a workout-- such as my shoulder muscles and butt muscles (how do you spell "gluts"?).
Belly Dancing!!! It's a great workout isn't it? I should go back and take another class - it was fun
and was surprising that it was such a good "workout"! I ended the hour sweating! I'm sure you young things
look a lot better than I did but hey
it was a good workout isolating those specific body areas and just plain fun! Enjoy!
Glutes is spelled with the "es" according to dad!
Do you want to borrow my "silk scarf with coins that jingle" for your belly dancing class?! It wraps around your waist/hips! Your friends would be jealous! And it will look a whole lot better on you than me! :)
Awh! A silk belt with JINGLE coins! If Erin doesn't want to wear it... I KNOW someone who will at the next session...!!
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