February 24, 2008

dad's 60th surprise!

About 24 people gathered together to surprise my dad on Saturday at our house with a spectacular shindig to rein in the good times to come!

Although Aunt Nancy and the southern family were unable to attend, they sent this special collage poster; I think if you click on it, you'll get a bigger version. But, for humor's sake, my aunt had me create a speech bubble for her (back in her baby days) to tell my dad his shorts are pulled up too high!

THANKS TO EVERYONE! You really made it a night to remember for my dad. And Dad, just remember Ali's comment-- She couldn't remember whether you were turning 50 or 60. :)

1 comment:

Glen R said...

Thanks for having us over and a big congrats to 60 years to your dad.

Can't wait to do some endurance events with him this coming season. No opening gifts for a crowd before hand, it seems to be a dehydrating experience. :)