February 13, 2008

cosmo, the skijoring wonderdog

These photos are a bit old... Now, Cosmo wears his booties out on the trails! At first he walked like his legs were giving out (since he was completely weirded out by the strange fuzzy things on his feet), but then he got comfortable with them. We think it's because it's been SO bitter out, and he *must* like having something on that warms his paws. Anyhow, these pics are from a couple of weeks ago (the first skijoring attempt). Ali, too, has posted some photos from the outing! As you can see, Cos can be quite a booger.


Anonymous said...

Cosmo truly is the "Wonderdog"!!! I miss him! My sleeping buddy! :) I miss the kitties also of course! I'm sure he probably loves the booties on - no snow/ice sticking to his paws now! Pats to my Cos! Love, Mom

CHAD said...

Have more fun