March 25, 2009

I nearly puked...

Lucy must have had an upset stomach today-- lots of small poop spots/splatters in the guest room; some were hardened and therefore my rug-cleaner didn't work (hence the "semi-cleaned" bedroom). Anywho, then I decided to do the litter box, which is swheat scoop flushable litter (which i use all the time)... It clogged the toilet first-flush; I don't own a plunger, and so decided to scoop it out with my hand. Honestly, I don't get too grossed out by the wheat litter-- but it smelled like SEWAGE. Toilet does get unclogged-- phew (notice the "ph" although I was also thinking "pew"). I decided to dump the rest into the garbage bag which needed to go out anyway. Then I notice the garbage bag has a small hole in the bottom and is leaking coffee grounds! Now all is well. Luckily I have a strange sense of humor! This all started with two HUGE splats of bird poop on my drivers' window after school.


Anonymous said...

Glad all is well now - you took it pretty much in stride - while gagging all the time I am sure. I hope Lucy is okay now - keep an eye on her. Did she get into something
perhaps? AND I will bring you a plunger!!! Every home should have one! :) Perhaps the "bird poop" on the car window was a sign of things to come. Yuck! Hopefully you will have an uneventful evening now! Take care! Love ya!

Jen Karberg said...

oooh - you had a poopy day!

Anonymous said...

I like how you kept your sense of humor:) lol

Anonymous said...

I don't do well with poop, either, but ya gotta deal with it when you've got "kids." My dogs have left me with some interesting presents over the years.

singletrackchronicles said...

Just the thought of you reaching into the toliet and grabbing that makes my reflexs tingle. You are a super pooper trooper!

Mom said...

Need a new post! This is way too sickening to keep any longer! :) Utah pics would be nice! Or dg or bike pics in the lovely warmer weather! :)