I haven't posted in a long time because I can't get my mind to focus on anything but politics. So, since it's been a while, I'm just going to post-- about politics!
During my canvassing and phonebanking experiences in Kalkaska, we encounter mostly undecided folks who welcome the chance to discuss politics freely, because it's typically quite taboo in the workplace and social gatherings around here (yes, I'm trying to break free from that societal constriction).
So, the biggest two "beefs" that I have with McCain supporters is that the ones I have met are actually people who I consider friends, and I can't understand the logic behind their choice, and that has caused me some great frustration.
First, one of the issues people I know have struggled with is the whole pro-choice/pro-life drama. I don't quite get it... because if people look at the approaches taken by Obama and McCain with regards to sex education and accessibility of birth control, it is very clear that Obama's ideas would prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place! Hence, leading to less abortions. There is a much more eloquent opinion piece about this here, and I think it shows that Obama and Democrats take a much more common-sense approach actually in tune with the times.
The second issue that frustrates me is the whole identification with the Republican Party. People say that they believe in what the Republican Party represents... but hello!? The Republican Party has done anything BUT represent what they originally stood for. Small government? Less spending? Give me a break. Under some *new* democratic leadership from Barack Obama (that hasn't been completely overtaken by the power of big corporations), we surely won't see as much money being wasted on war and owed overseas. We surely won't bend over backwards for the big business people, and there will be some actual accountability where citizens can actually see how their tax dollars are being spent.
Note that I said *new* leadership... I am greatly aware that Democrats have been just as guilty of misleading the public and bowing to big business. But I believe that Senator Obama is different, and that he will lead our country to a better place.
Well said Erin! AND I hope some Republican friends and family truly think about what you have said! My big thing is three of the issues that many Republicans make the ONLY issues they consider in choosing a President/Party are the issues of Pro-Life, morals, and stem cell research! BUT those are issues we all have different opinions on and therefore affect us all differently. What we SHOULD be basing our vote on are the issues that concern ALL of us the same =
education, health care and prescription coverage, jobs/the economy, the Iraq War, the major debt this country is in!, rebuilding the infrastructure in our own country - - things like that. And the past eight years under the Bush/Republican regime have definitely NOT helped us in those areas! Why not give Obama a chance!!! If you can't think of any really good things that Bush has done, give the Dems a chance!
If in four years, there isn't much difference and/or you feel things are worse, then go back to the Republican Party. Nothing could be worse than the last eight years. Give TRUE CHANGE a chance! You may be pleasantly surprised! :)
You're right. There aren't many differences between Obama and McCain. In fact, while I disagree with Obama (which is to be expected - I'm Republican), I am terrified of McCain. I was very disappointed when the primaries came down to him and Huckabee. McCain - all I can do is shake my head. Huckabee - when I heard about how he kept making digs at Romney for being a Mormon, I KNEW I didn't want that man as President. I will not tolerate a politician who does not respect someone of different beliefs. Unfortunately, Obama offended Christians in a very disrespectful and outright manner, last year. I watched the video, again, today. He doesn't take my beliefs seriously enough to show respect and consideration (NOT the same thing as agreement).
A candidate doesn't have to believe what I believe. No one does. However, if you don't respect others' differences, you are not for me.
Unfortunately, there is a fine art in political balance that neither party has achieved.
I won't be voting for either candidate.
Thanks for your comments, Di! Can you post the link to the video of Obama? I think I have an idea what you are referring to, but not certain. take care!
Erin - you are a very thoughtful, respectful, reasonable, and calm individual when talking about politics - - you have a great passion for the person you believe in, but you handle those who disagree with you with respect and without anger - you make me proud! And are a great represtative of the Democratic Party. You are willing to look at both sides which is something many people just won't do. You speak honestly and passionately about the person you think would be the best one for the job! It's reassuring to know there are young people like you who really care deeply about what is happening in this country and are willing to get involved - - it is your future after all. Keep up the good work!
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