Anyhow, one of the amazing things is that Bryce and I were quite involved in the 2004 campaign, and this film will help us share the "history" with our children someday. For one, it starts out in Elk Rapids, and you even see a shot of my head for a brief moment!
As we were driving home, Bryce mentioned how we were there at the beginning (in Elk Rapids), and how we were also with Michael Moore the day after the movie's end (election day... we watched the results come in at a friend's house, and michael and kathleen were there too). Right after Bryce said that, we noticed a mini-van next to us in the right lane-- and Michel Moore waving out the driver's window! Hilarious. So, we waved back and flashed the peace sign, once more amazed that northern Michigan has given us such a unique entryway into the world of true progressive thinkers.
1 comment:
How cool! I'll be pounding the pavement for sure! And making phone calls! I've already had some interesting conversations with people on the phone which is always fun! And face-to-face will be even better! I'm excited and motivated!
Dad has the movie on his calendar for tomorrow. We will look for you! And very exciting to know you are a part of this movie in terms of being involved with the 2004 election. AND quite exciting to have Michael Moore waving at you (thus recognizing you two!) on the way home. Only in the north is what I say! How cool!
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