We have yet to send out our "christmas" cards... If we are on time next year, we'll have to use a photo like this one! :) I love how annoyed he looks. Cos always stays really still whenever something foreign is placed on him-- It will even take him a while to move freely when we put on his harness (we call it his "training bra" to embarrass him more!).
December 30, 2007
December 28, 2007
ah, the joys of living up north
We've been snowshoeing with Cosmo a few times already this week. These photos are from yesterday's excursion to Seven Bridges, which is a short trail but quite beautiful. My dad and I love identifying animal tracks, and Cos just adores the snow. My mom was rather slow-going on her snowshoes, but she had fun nonetheless. My parents left this morning, so we need to be sure and take Cosmo out every day. I sometimes forget how much energy he ha
December 24, 2007
read only if you are not too politically correct!
Ever since I was a little girl, my dad and I always wrapped Mom's stocking stuff as "trainer elves". This meant that we were sloppy wrappers, not allowed to use scissors (ripping works just as well!), and not good at utilizing the tape efficiently.
(This first photo is the finished pile of stocking stuffers for Bryce.)
(Obviously this one is of my mother in her role as a disabled trainer elf.)
December 22, 2007
wrapping... traditionally
Our family aims to please... or to horrify, however you interpret it.
This is a gift we wrapped for one of the McIntyre cousins. We're certain that Ryan will appreciate the humor.
(If you can't see it clearly, the button says "TREEHUGGER" and there is a teeny ornament hanging from the button, with scooby doo holding a little christmas tree close to his heart.)
December 20, 2007
finally festive
So, after a few days with a naked tree in the living room, we finally got the lights on last night.
Then, when I got home today,
the tree looked like this-------->
Notice the dark mid-section.
Well, we found where a cat had chewed through a cord (which they have NEVER done before), so Bryce stripped it and reattached it, and now we're back to normal. But, we'll have to be sure we're always close by when the tree is lit!
December 16, 2007
snow dog on patrol
December 15, 2007
first grade fun

I wish I'd had my camera yesterday morning at school. We are in our "weather" unit for language arts, and I had the kids keep their snowpants and boots on when they arrived yesterday... because we were heading outside to measure the snow depth! And, they were adorable. They each had a cheapie bendable yardstick, and it was great watching them venture into the deepest of snow. They realized they couldn't get a good measurement in the play areas, because the snow was packed so hard. Most of them held the rulers the right way, and when we came in, I had them record the snow depth in their science journals. All I wanted to be sure they had was the date, and the depth in inches. But some of them added illustrations of themselves holding the yardstick, with some shouting the measurement in speech bubbles! What smart first graders; they impress me all the time. And then, later they were doing a test-prep piece of writing about what they can do in the snow, and a few of them mentioned that they can measure it! We will measure again next week, so I'll try to remember my camera.
December 10, 2007
when domestic and wild collide...

"I recently mentioned the cute little possum we've seen in our backyard recently - he truly is a cute little guy and we have been enjoying watching him out there eating seed and sticking his little nose in the air to sniff things out! Anyhow - Scott left earlier to DG out at the course so I was here by myself. I looked out the kitchen window and much to my horror saw a little dog that we've seen running loose in the neighborhood lately ATTACKING our little possum! I yelled NOOOOOO!!! And knocked on the window! It was AWFUL!! I ran to the dining room all the while yelling no (I think!) and knocked on that window and the dog ran off and the possum was just lying there motionless. I was furious and grabbed my jacket and while I was putting my boots on to run out after the dog, I saw the possum get up slowly and slowly walk over to the brush pile seeming to be okay other than walking slow - he was obviously "playing possum" during the attack! When he was under cover I went out to "hunt" the dog down - he was in there at the edge of our property on the curve so I ran out yelling at him waving the broom! Yes, I am sure I looked like a mad woman! :) It ran a short distance and turned around and kept barking at me! Brat! So I walked back in the side yard by a tree and waited - that little brat started coming in our yard again - surprise! I ran out after him with the broom and he finally took off. I looked around the backyard and there was no evidence of blood or fur so hopefully the little guy wasn't seriously hurt and will be fine. The horror of it all... Geesh! I also know it is natural of dogs to chase little animals and cats to chase birds but this dog is always running loose and has no business being out and about being a pest and picking on little animals. We saw a HUGE possum in the front yard last night in the dark - he would have given that dog some competition! Scott was dismayed when he got home but glad I saw the little guy walk off. All I could think of when I saw it lying there was how sad Scott would have been when he had to go out there and move it!"
December 9, 2007
my preferred work environment
December 7, 2007
I won!
But really, what a deal-- 31 Serendipity and Earth Angels books plus a video!
My first independent e-bay purchase... got frazzled a bit at the last moment and spent 4 dollars more than I'd planned. But when you wait for the last 50 seconds, the adrenaline really kicks in.
Anyhow, Serendipity books rock, written by a couple of hippies... My first graders always end up loving the Serendipity series, since I rave about them so much.

Lucy's bounty: 8 of Bryce's socks, 3 of mine, 1 pair of my underwear
Lucy has a sock fetish. Two nights ago, I laughed out loud when I got to the top of our stairs, because this was by far the largest sock trail she has left... Keep in mind, she always pulls a couple out of the laundry baskets (usually Bryce's-- even though his basket is tallest and he often tucks the socks way down deep inside of it), but I thought you might enjoy following this trail, as I did two nights ago.
This first photo is at the top-- stairs on right, suspicious cat tail in the lower left corner...
These photos show our little scamp with the entry to our bedroom in the background...
On the left, we have Lucy and Zoey, with our bedroom floor beyond them (more socks!). And on the right, past the mess and the fan, are our two laundry baskets.
December 5, 2007
summer sun

Don't get me wrong, I do love snow and winter air... but sometimes, when there's that bitter wind chill, and you can't stop shivering, you have to do that self-talk to convince your body that it's warmer than it is! Here's a photo from my summer vacation in the Dominican Republic, the view from one of the places Becky and I stayed. Perhaps this will help you northerners with your mental imagery. :)
December 3, 2007
snow day
What a gorgeous winter storm-- white-out conditions. I cracked up when I saw Lucy stalking the big snowflakes through the front window!
December 2, 2007
mission accomplished
when the weather outside is frightful...
Actually, I find it quite delightful! We went snowshoeing yesterday, and the air is so crisp... today has been less than perfect, though, with a freezing rain. Here is a photo taken by me, spying on Bryce's snow-throwing progress through the kitchen window this morning (so if it's smudgy-looking, that's why-- my stealthy spy efforts... um, rather, my lack of motivation to brave the cold).
At times, Bryce had to manhandle the snowthrower to get it to cooperate...
December 1, 2007
November 28, 2007

November 25, 2007
November 24, 2007
November 23, 2007
black friday fun
We started the day at 4 a.m., made it to Sears and Younkers at 5:10, navigating the slippery morning roads.... and getting some delightful bargains! Home by 10 a.m., we spent the rest of the day flying the mini remote control helicopter, napping, eating, fur-minating the cats, and playing games. Bryce, my mom, and I had a rousing game of Scrabble... I beat Bryce only by adding an "s" onto "jaw" and "lean" as my second-to-last play. Thrilling, eh?
(Ali, I stole the scrabble photo idea from your blog... thanks!)
(Ali, I stole the scrabble photo idea from your blog... thanks!)
November 20, 2007
November 17, 2007
pavlova, anyone?
A New Zealand tradition... yum-yum! It's been years since Bryce has made one; perhaps he'll do a Christmas one.
Today is a dark beautiful day. The sky has been so impressive, with massive winter clouds and deep colors. Ali and I delivered lasagnas and a care basket to a friend whose dad died this week... Kelly teaches first grade with me (started this year), and I've been so thankful for having her around-- I can be completely "myself" with her, and she makes me laugh and feel happy. So, I want to do whatever I can during this hard time. Anyhow, she wasn't home when we dropped the things off, but I'll see her tomorrow at the Viewing. I just keep thinking of her and her family, and I hope they are doing okay.
By the way, I am now Vice President of the Kalkaska Education Association, which is our district's branch of the teachers' union. Should be interesting!
November 13, 2007
hakuna matata
November 9, 2007
zoey the beautiful
Aside from the filthy windows, isn't this a stunning portrayal of dear Zoey? I was just realizing this week how much I act like our cats are people... I could watch them for hours, completely entertained.
The Iceman is this weekend... a no-go this year for me, but I will do it again someday when I'm healthier. My dad, Bryce, and Ali are all doing it, so my mom and I will be watching at a few different spots.
The Iceman is this weekend... a no-go this year for me, but I will do it again someday when I'm healthier. My dad, Bryce, and Ali are all doing it, so my mom and I will be watching at a few different spots.
November 6, 2007
coming soon...
Snow, snow, snow!
(think the movie "White Christmas")
At the moment Cosmo refuses to come in from the great outdoors. Just a taste of what winter will bring! He is truly a snow dog. This photo shows Cosmo's favorite hairdo of Christmas Past.
October 30, 2007
October 26, 2007
a musical family
Cousin Jenny performed here in the north, and we were there to be groupies! :) We are so proud of her... check her out at www.myspace.com/jennymcintyre ... Also considering my dad's stellar performance of "happy birthday" over the phone tonight (complete with electronic backup vocals, etc.), I would say this family is quite talented!
October 24, 2007
October 23, 2007
the unassuming doris
Just moments ago a crunching sound interrupted the quiet solitude of my house, so I crept to the kitchen to see which kitty was the culprit ... And there was Dory, solemnly munching morsels of dog food she'd stolen from Cosmo's food bowl.
This is another photo of an unassuming dory moment-- when I happened upon her in the bathroom sink.
October 22, 2007
Ah, the memories...
It was wonderful to hang out with Brendan again. He is very good for one's self-esteem! Made me feel beautiful and smart, which is just what I needed. ;) It was also nice to see our old dorm, even wandering the hallways after the bars closed. We left a note for one of our old professors in the Residential College, Erica Paslick. We had her for a "Literature and Diseases" seminar our first semester-- and I did a fabulous presentation on syphilis, utilizing drama and poetry for entertainment value! In case you don't already know this, the Residential College is a small "school" within the University of Michigan. They have an intensive language program, small class sizes, interesting curriculum areas, and written evaluations instead of grades. An example of the unique offerings that I enjoyed was my "Community Strategies Against Poverty" class (and of course "Literature and Diseases" fits the unique category too!). Anyhow, here are some photos. Unfortunately, we forgot our cameras the first day when the alumni had a parade, complete with bagpipers, costumes, and noisemakers!
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