November 23, 2007

black friday fun

We started the day at 4 a.m., made it to Sears and Younkers at 5:10, navigating the slippery morning roads.... and getting some delightful bargains! Home by 10 a.m., we spent the rest of the day flying the mini remote control helicopter, napping, eating, fur-minating the cats, and playing games. Bryce, my mom, and I had a rousing game of Scrabble... I beat Bryce only by adding an "s" onto "jaw" and "lean" as my second-to-last play. Thrilling, eh?
(Ali, I stole the scrabble photo idea from your blog... thanks!)


Anonymous said...

I miss the family game times. I'm pulling out scrabble today!

Ali B. said...

Grouper! Great word :) I think you need the DELUXE version. You can play it on a soft surface without the letters getting out of line! Wow, you spent a lot of time shopping! Thank goodness you got the little remote control toy!

Anonymous said...

Awww, you said "eh"!

What's "Black Friday"?
