December 24, 2007

read only if you are not too politically correct!

Ever since I was a little girl, my dad and I always wrapped Mom's stocking stuff as "trainer elves". This meant that we were sloppy wrappers, not allowed to use scissors (ripping works just as well!), and not good at utilizing the tape efficiently.

(This first photo is the finished pile of stocking stuffers for Bryce.)

In later years, we continue this joyous tradition, with a new element... Trainer elves are perpetually trainer elves due to certain disabilities. For example, tonight while wrapping Bryce's stocking stuffers, I was missing an arm, my dad had a large hunchback that caused him to lean at an odd angle, and my mother was blind.

(Obviously this one is of my mother in her role as a disabled trainer elf.)

1 comment:

Ali B. said...

Very amusing! Way to keep it fresh & fun! :)