October 31, 2013

Over 38 weeks pregnant... The end/beginning is suddenly in sight!

I wish I knew HTML, because then I bet I could get these photos to lay out nicely.  Alas, I do not, so you will have to just deal with this hodge-podge look.  :)  I wanted to give you a snapshot (or 9) of life before baby.... with baby always on my mind!  The above framed pics are of me with both sets of grandparents.  My mom gave me those and some other frames for my birthday (the 26th), and I set them up in our bedroom to give me peace and bring me inspiration during my home birth.  And even further up, you can see the bitty bumpkin's closet packed with clothes.  Our top dresser drawer broke, so we had to add more to the closet as well as a clear bin under the bed.  I think we've got plenty of clothing to choose from!  Lots of those onesies were decorated by family at a shower.  Too cute.

Then of course there is my belly pic.  38 weeks and bursting with baby!  :)  I just looked back at my 18 week belly, and it's soooooooo crazy to think I was ever that small (or that baby was that small!).  I'll be 39 weeks pregnant in two days.  Overall I still feel really good, and it's weird to imagine that belly baby will soon be real world baby.  We are very, very excited.  Bilbo is a little jealous, but that's to be expected.  I am truly going to miss having my baby bump for when I hold the Bilbo boy--  It's a perfect perch!

The biggest change in the past week or so is that it's simply uncomfortable everywhere I am... The exercise ball has saved me, but even that isn't comfy for a long period of time.  The other night (like 3 or 4 nights ago) I had some weirdness-- This might be too much info, but I like to document all the weirdness!  Anyhow, I went to bed at 11, and between 11:30 and 4:30, I went to the bathroom 4-5 times, first thinking I was nauseous and going to puke, then sitting down to pee, then completely "clearing out" my system.  Sounds gross, was actually slightly relieving.  I also felt kind of feverish, but my temp had dropped to below the norm.  So that happened 4 or 5 times, and then finally I slept the rest of the night.  Soooo strange, and I had heard about systems "clearing out" to prep for labor.  So of course I was on the alert for any labor sign the next day!  One of midwives said that it is very normal, due to the nutty hormones, and that I could expect it to happen maybe one more time before baby comes.  Today, Halloween, I'm just feeling baby sooo low down, all up (down?) in my privates!  Silly bean.

I am all caught up (and have worked ahead) in my classes, so it's suddenly 'go time' for being baby ready.  Nate of course has tons of work to do, but his profs all know about me, so they will cut him some slack if needed.  We have our birth kit plus other supplies sorted into totes for us and the midwives.  And we're really trying to keep things organized so as not to interfere with my mind's peace.     Here's hoping this kiddo stays stuck with her/his head down low (I kind of don't think baby could move it out if he/she tried)!  I am really looking forward to laboring and giving birth.  I feel like a dork saying how excited I am.  Everyone's always like, but what about the pain?  Maybe I'll regret saying this, but I think our bodies naturally know how to handle positive pain, and I've practiced relaxation with Nate and working with my uterus to do what it's made for.  In a couple of weeks (or more!), we can share with you how our experience goes and whether we were able to handle it the way we thought we would.  Can't believe it's coming so soon!!!!!

October 17, 2013

Hugeness at 36 weeks pregnant :)

On Saturday I will be at 37 weeks, but I wanted to share the 36 weeks photo, as I am enormous.  I will add more to this posting later when I have time.  For now, I'll just say that I feel like baby is ready to fall right out of me.  Extreme heaviness super low down and endless Braxton Hicks.  But other than those things, I am feeling good!

I'm back, and it's now Wednesday, the 23rd.  In 3 days I will hit 38 weeks pregnant!

We had a great appointment with the midwives at our house last Sunday.  Talked a bunch, measured out pool-sink distance, and looks like the pool can go in our bedroom!  And baby is indeed head-down (more like 'head-stuck'!) and very low.  Back is on my right belly side and oftentimes that side of my uterus rises up super high and looks super weird!

This week I am attempting to get most of my classwork done, so that I won't need to worry about projects/papers once baby is here.  I'll still have readings to do and then of course the final exams, but it will feel good to have everything else out of the way.  IF I manage to get productive enough!  I've been feeling really worn out a lot in the mornings, and my belly 'fullness' is just so uncomfortable.  It's hard to sit and do work, even if I'm using the exercise ball.

My Bilbo cat has been cuddlier with Nate, which is an excellent thing.  However, he's also been a bit needier with me, doing odd things like putting his feet up on my back/shoulders from behind me and other such antics.  I do love that little cat baby.  He sits on my belly so often that I am hoping baby is getting to know his purrs!  ;)

We stocked up on some Trader Joe's goodies to have on hand... Super turkey bacon, Indian veggie burgers (not soy-based!), toilet paper, and dark chocolate.  :)  The bacon and Indian burgers will be handy to have when we are overwhelmed by new-baby-ness and just want something quick and tasty to eat.

I can't remember if I mentioned having my last shower.  My mom did an awesome job-- it was a lovely time with family and family friends!  Nate and I are truly soooo very lucky to have such amazing people in our lives.  And little baby will be lucky too!

We've got some name choices narrowed down.  But feel free to comment with suggestions... Just remember we're looking for an earthier, not-too-common, but not too hippie dippy kind of name.  We've got lots of girl options, but only 3 boy options.

With Braxton Hicks happening all the time, I am curious if I'll even know if I'm in the early first stage of labor!  But I suppose if I don't, that's a-okay too.