I am actually at 31 weeks pregnant today, but haven't done my weekly photo yet. Boy, my belly is sure out there now. Feeling good still, though, which is a happy thing.
The strangest change in the past week has been how very very HEAVY I feel. My abs are achy, and when I walk to class, I feel such pressure down low, almost like the baby is starting to drop. Might be early for that, but I think some people drop early, and from what I've read, it doesn't really mean labor is coming soon (although plenty of people say that). I've also had some intense Braxton Hicks on that walk to class, usually at around the 15 minute mark (it's 30 min. there and 30 back). I told Nate it's so interesting how it's not really painful, just an uncomfortable tightening. Pregnancy is fascinating.
I'm trying to be a diligent student and work ahead for my classes, and it seems like my two courses should be timed nicely pregnancy-wise. The nearest thing to a conflict that I have is a presentation on October 30th, a bit over a week before my due date. But everything else is very workable, and missed classes just take points off my total (which is out of a huge number of points), so I'm thinking this should be okay.
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