2010 comes to a close, and we are in a happy place that we never were really trying to find... which is a welcomed surprise. My job is fine (both vague and VAST, but I'm working on defining it), we have an awesome apartment in the Heritage Hill neighborhood of Grand Rapids, we got a new cat Bilbo, Nate took the LSAT (awaiting results) and is subbing, and we are super close to family and friends on both sides. I guess sometimes surprises are good. :)
Sometimes an unexpected turn of events ends up making the very best of things happen! You two look SO happy and we know ARE so happy - we are thrilled for you. And love having you not too far away!
AND I love that picture! :)
When we (through a series of stressful, unhappy events) ended up moving back home to Michigan nearly 20 years ago now, a dear friend gave us a farewell gift, a calligraphy "picture" with an ancient quote from Meister Eckhart: "The sign of God is that we will be led where we did not plan to go." It proved true for us back then, and Steve and I are grateful beyond words to have you two close by now. We wish you both the happiest of new years in 2011.
With much gratitude, joy, appreciation, and love,
Becky & Steve
I read your blog as I was contemplating whether to sign the contract as an LT in Abu Dhabi.
I am a Muslim American and I cannot emphasize how blessed I feel to have been raised in this country as opposed to a place where extreme wealth has led to chaos and confusion among the locals. I am deeply saddened to hear of the reality that exists in the UAE.
I wish you both, Becky and Steve, the best. Thanks for blogging.
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