the walk to school this morning
Despite early morning disappointment at the absence of a snow day phone call, I had a rather lovely day at school. Highlights: bringing my snowpants and playing in the snow at morning recess with my first-graders (going down the super-fast slides too, and sliding down the pole), making "stuffed" snowmen (the kids did their own shapes, as I am very anti-cookie-cutter-activities, so there were some hysterically shaped snowmen).

the walk home
Despite early morning disappointment at the absence of a snow day phone call, I had a rather lovely day at school. Highlights: bringing my snowpants and playing in the snow at morning recess with my first-graders (going down the super-fast slides too, and sliding down the pole), making "stuffed" snowmen (the kids did their own shapes, as I am very anti-cookie-cutter-activities, so there were some hysterically shaped snowmen).

the walk home
Ooo.. LOVE the walk to school photo. I was in awe all the way to work this morning... the entire 35 minutes it tooke me.. (usually only 15ish) UGH! IT was amazing looking with snow covering everything, including lines on the roads, windshield, yah, everyyyyyyyyy single thing.
A really good snowy day brings out the "kid" in all of us! I'm sure your first graders loved having their teacher play with them outside at recess! And good for you walking to/from school - good exercise and fresh air! Not everyone would be so ambitious to get out and go though!
Loved the pretty snow pics - a winter wonderland! And I always loved when teachers are our schools had their kids do "free form" snowmen! Excellent! AND TGIF - thank goodness it's Friday! :)
Boy, I wish I lived by you! What a spectacular picture of the wintry weather. I enlarged it and just sat pretending like it was me walking down the road. Thank for letting me enjoy it vicariously through you!
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