October 24, 2008

New Kids on the Block, let's rock

So, I am home sick from school today, and it's a good thing I am, because if I had gone in, I surely would have grown crabby and unhealthier. I have a scratchy throat and feel feverish, but I have taken medicine, had plenty of liquids, and SLEPT for forever. The reason this is important is because this weekend is a big one... turning 30 on Sunday (ack), heading to Detroit tonight where I'll see fabulous friend Larry, and tomorrow night I will be seeing in concert, for the first time in my life... Danny, Donnie, Joe, Jon, and Jordan! Woo-hoo!

I think I am gaining some energy, so I must be feeling better? Fingers crossed...


Anonymous said...

Have a great time!!! Hope you continue to feel better! Enjoy the concert! :) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are sick! You must get well for the concert...and your birthday. Rest a lot.

When Sarah and I saw the New Kids a zillion years ago, Joe made eye contact with me!

Get well Er.

By the way, you certainly don't look 30!

Jen Karberg said...

Have so so so much!!!! What a great b-day present to yourself :)

Glen R said...

The hair cuts certainly got better. ;)

Have a blast tonight!

Anonymous said...

Saturday night: You call from the concert! Now I feel a "part of it" though far away! I am SO glad you got to go - and coming the day before your birthday was perfect! What a way to turn 30!!!! They should have brought you on stage! The place sounded crazy! Glad you are having fun!!!!! Love ya! AND Happy Birthday tomorrow!!!

Erin said...

I sure appreciate all your good wishes! Larry assured me that I don't look old. :) And he said I was probably one of the youngest at the concert so should feel happy about that! ;)

love you guys!

Reoliveira said...

I liked new kids in 90 years here in Brazil and how they are different will still sing as they sang