Summer smells and sunny sights bring along that weighted feeling of memories in the pit of my stomach and the corners of my smiles. I find myself chuckling at the way it used to be, when I was such a goofy young girl with an innocent imagination, surrounded by people full of life and laughter. At odd moments, my mind travels back to the moments of ultimate freedom... racing through the sprinkler, collecting clover in my squirt-gun bucket, belting out "Tomorrow" from the top of my swingset, laughing until our faces hurt at the Thompson dining room table, scurrying around for "Hide and Seek in the Dark", staring at the firework sky from the boat on the 4th of July. I wonder if my spirited gardening attempt this year is somehow a grasp to get back the sensation of contentment and security, back to the days when it seemed nothing could ever change.
The carefree days of our youth! How special those memories are and how lucky we were! Those childhood memories should be recorded in a journal - a piece of our youth - to be kept forever!
building dams on the little creek high with water from the spring thaw, finding colorful new pebbles uncovered under the eaves... the sound of muddy bike tires on bare, damp roads... putting away sleds that we thought we lost after they were buried in January snow... ahh yes, I love spring.
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