*Will the principal know I am coming on Wednesday?
*Will I have any guidance whatsoever?
*What if everyone hates that I don't speak Spanish as fluently as the other teachers?
*What if my paperwork doesn't get processed and I don't get paid?
*What can I plan for the day in order to be 'prepared' in every single possible scenario upon my arrival?
But don't worry, because I'm no longer worrying. After emailing the HR person to inquire about the situation Wednesday, I have learned that the Response to Intervention teachers (that's me!) will be meeting with the RTI Coordinator before going to our sites. We will get the full scoop on job expectations. (Wow, you mean they'll actually make sure I understand my job?)
And after Lindsey pointed out my anxiety (and commented how I have never shown anxiety in the past), I realized that indeed Abu Dhabi still haunts my brain, and I can leave it at that. It can haunt all it wants, but my mind is moving on to better things.