My first stocking... later got a new one that was a bit wider-- this one would get stuck on the stocking stuffers because it was knitted with threads hanging on the inside. But how I loved it.

This was always at my Grandma and Grandpa Gardner's house.

My favorite wall dec-- notice it is now taped in many spots! Yet my mom still hangs it up. ;)

Probably the most memorable Christmas decorations-- I played with these endlessly... the deer pulled the sleigh below, attached by my favorite piece of red yarn.
And all of these trees would come to life.

A rather hideous sleigh, but it certainly flew well, launching off of Dad's recliner!

Santa's boots

While playing a card game this Christmas, my mom asked, "Did you see what Dad hid by the mean tree?" And (because I am a big dork I knew what she meant), I immediately looked to "the mean tree" (it was always the bad guy in my christmas decoration playtime), and there was a hideous elfin creature lurking in the shadows! Clever, Dad, clever.