Today I stayed late at school to get a lot of work completed, because for some reason, I was motivated. This does not always happen, especially at the end of the school day. Another thing that was a *tiny* bit out of the ordinary was that I was quite cheerful throughout the day, even at moments of sheer exasperation.
And, oddly enough, I truly think that my positive attitude was due to the winter wonderland we could view through the windows. The snow never stopped falling, and I still haven't grown tired of watching it fall. It's that fabulous sticky snow that coats the tree branches and piles high on the bushes. And it must be great packing snow, because I witnessed two enormous snowballs being rolled by a mass of children out at recess. I love that they willingly push snow around for twenty minutes without getting bored!
I even stepped outside upon my arrival home. I let Cosmo out and followed with my camera-- no coat, but I didn't even feel chilled.