September 15, 2007

“The law of love could be best understood and learned through little children.” Mahatma Gandhi

Watching the eyes of my first graders, filled with acceptance and appreciation for all people and animals, I am let down by the evidence that our society somehow corrupts these little ones... They are not born to hate, to act with prejudice, to judge others harshly; all of those things are learned.

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Gandhi

I wonder how it happened that religion became a recruiting game where money makes the difference. I attended a church service, invited by a very close family friend, and the sermon focused on how to interact with others, in order to invite them in to your spiritual world. It also specifically mentioned how few non-Christians actually know any Christians. The reverend basically encouraged the congregation to approach non-Christians in an effort to recruit them. One of the reasons I will not return is because I believe that a truly "good" religion would respect others' religions and not need to change anyone.

“You may never know what results come of your action,
but if you do nothing there will be no result.” Gandhi

A frustrating drive to make change, move mountains, inspire the world... and yet it always happens in the smallest ways, not monumental actions. The little things count, and the smallest actions will possibly change someone's day or their beliefs or their sense of worth. I am learning that even though I'm not leading a revolution, I am always making a difference, as long as I believe in the importance of small acts.