December 7, 2008

snow watchers

Grommit and Harley at Greta & Nicole's house

The last 20 minutes of my drive home from downstate-- it got worse!


Anonymous said...

Phew! Glad I didn't know the conditions you faced on the drive home till after you were home safely! And glad it was only the last 20 minutes rather than the entire drive!
Still dangerous and scary - glad you are safe at home now! The snow doesn't seem to want to stop! It's crazy! Stay safe and warm at home!
Cute dogs looking out the window!

Ali B. said...

Snow, snow, go away... come back during a week..DAY! :)

Very cute pups & glad you are safe. Last night was very treacherous and this morning? The roads to my parent's house were deep with snow... it is the endless lake effect storm.

Erin said...

Grommit is Greta & Nicole's dog, and they just took Harley in because their friends couldn't keep her. They said if there were a good dog owner that wanted her, they would give her to someone else! Want a dog? She looks like Spuds McKenzie!